MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2016-2019) (second semester) Object Oriented Programming with C++

MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2016-2019) (second semester) Object Oriented Programming with C++

MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2016-2019) (second semester) Object Oriented Programming with C++

                                                                   Time: 4 hours
                                                                   Full Marks: 80
                                                       The questions are of equal value.
                                                          Answer any five questions.

(1). What is Object Orientation? Explain the basic Characteristics of Object Oriented system.

(2). Explain association. What do you mean by degree of association?

(3). Differentiate between:
      (a) Aggregation and Generalization
      (b) Generalization and Specialization
      (c) Generalization and Inheritance.

(4). Prepare a state diagram for one session of ATM Transaction.

(5). What are the advantages of DFD's ? Explain the leveling of DFD's. What are the roles of level-0, level-1 and level-2 diagrams?

(6). Explain Inheritance with support of suitable example.

(7). What is the role of operation in dynamic modeling?  How can you implement it on the state diagram? Give example for your explanation.

(8). What is Object Modeling Technique ? Draw OMT object model for participant's registration system for a seminar.

(9). What is Polymorphism?  Give the need of polymorphism, with the help of an example.

(10). Describe the relation of functional model to object and dynamic models. Also discuss how these modeling help in a system model.


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