MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2012-2015) INFORMATION SYSTEM: Analysis, Design and Implementation
MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2012-2015) INFORMATION SYSTEM: Analysis, Design and Implementation
Answer any five questions
(1). Explain the SDLC process. Discuss the role of system analysis and design.
(2). What is process Modelling ? Explain the following with example.
(a) Flow chart
(b) DFD
(c) E-R diagram
(3). What do you mean by feasibility study? Discuss its type with exaples
(4). Explain the software quality matrices and cost estimation process.
(5). Write short notes on any three of the following:
(a) Design of input and output control
(b) File/ Database design
(c) Process Design
(d) User interface Design
(e) Prototyping
(6). Explain application development methodologies. Discuss the role of CASE TOOLS in the analysis design and implementations.
(7). Discuss the object oriented approach with examples. Explain the dynamic modelling and functional modelling.
(8). List the managerial issues in software projects. Explain the size and cost estimation model.
(9). Discuss the project Scheduling measurement of software quality and productivity.
(10). What is role of ISO and CMM models for organizational growth? explain all levels of capability maturity models.
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