MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2009-2012) (Second semester) Object oriented Programming with C++

MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2009-2012) (Second semester) Object oriented Programming with C++
MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2009-2012) (Second semester) Object oriented Programming with C++


                                                                       Full Marks: 80
                                                                       Time : 4 hours
                                                                 Answer any five questions

(1). (a) What is object-oriented Programming ? How is it different from the procedural oriented programming?
 (b) What are the models of OMT ? What are the advantages of modelling?

(2). Differentiate between:
       (a) Link and association
       (b) Aggregation and Generalization
       (c) Class diagram and Instance diagram
       (d) Generalization and Inheritance

(3) (a). What is the role of this pointer?
      (b). What do you mean by dynamic binding?

(4). Prepare a state diagram for making a transaction in an ATM machine.

(5)  (a). Explain function overloading along with example.
       (b). What do you mean by friend function ? Explain with example.

(6). Prepare a Data Flow Diagram for computing the volume and surface area of a cylinder. Inputs are height and radius of the cylinder outputs are volume and surface area.

(7). What do you mean by 'streams' in c++ environment? How are they used?

(8). Write short notes on the following:
       (a). Jackson structured development (JSD)
       (b). Structured Analysis/ Structured Design (SA/SD)

(9). What is virtual function ? Why do we need virtual function? When do we make a virtual function pure?

(10). Explain the advantage of use case diagram in object oriented design with the help of an example.

(11). What is constructor ? What are the characteristics of constructors? What is parameterized constructor.

(12). What is bi-directional implementation? Explain advantage of bi-directional implementation with example.


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