MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2012-2015) (second semester) Operating system

MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2012-2015) (second semester) Operating system 
MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2012-2015) (second semester) Operating system

                                                                        Full Marks: 80
                                                                        Time : 4 hours
                                                                 Answer any five questions

(1). What is Operating system? What are the functions of Operating system? Explain it.

(2). What is meant by a process ? Explain states of a process with neat sketch and discuss the process state transition with a neat diagram.

(3). What are the major activities of an Operating system in regard to memory management.

(4). Explain in detail about any two CPU  scheduling algorithms with suitable example.

(5). Why should page replacement be performed ? Compare FIFO, Optimal and LRU page replacement algorithms, with an example of your choice?

(6). What are the three major activities of an operating system in regard to file management?

(7). What is a deadlock? How does deadlock avoidance differ from deadlock prevention ?

(8). What is  difference between a physical address and a virtual address?

(9). Explain what DMA is and why it is used.

(10). Describe the following:
         (a) Virtual Machine
         (b) Process state
         (c) Process Control Block


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