MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2011-2014) (semester- first) Information Technology

MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2011-2014) (semester- first) Information Technology 
MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2011-2014) (semester- first) Information Technology

                                                                      Full Marks: 80
                                                                      Time: 4 hours
                                                         The question are of equal value.
                                                              Answer any five question .

1.(a) Draw a block diagram to illustrate the basic organization of a computer system and explain the functions of various units.

   (b). Explain the storage hierarchy of a computer system. Distinguish between primary memory and secondary memory.

2. (a) What are impact and non-impact printers? Explain types of impact and non- impact printers.
    (b) Why do we require input devices? Describe the various types of input devices.

3. (a) Why is binary number system important in representing data in computer?
    (b) Convert the following octal numbers to hexadecimal numbers:
          (i) 7654
          (ii) 6437
          (iii) 1237
          (iv) 7523

4. (a) Differentiate between the following:
         (i) System software and Application software
         (ii) Software and Firmware.

   (b) What is an operating system? Describe  the main function of it?

5.(a) What is information ? How is information different from data? Explain.
   (b) Define information system. why are information system required? Explain different types of information system.

6. (a) Explain the following DOS commands:
    (i) ATTRIB
    (ii) COPYCON
    (iii) TREE
    (iv) MKDIR

    (b) Explain compiler, assembler, interpreter and linker. Also differentiate between machine language and assembly language.

  7. What is computer network? Describe the various networking architecture and also explain the types of computer network.

 8. Define Internet. State in brief the evolution of Internet. Name some of the application provided by Internet. How is each of these helpful to the user? Explain.

9. (a) Define and explain network protocols. How are they useful in computer network communication?
    (b) What are the advantages of optical fiber over other wired media?

10.(a) Discuss the use of computer application in industry and business.
     (b) Write short notes on the following:
            (i) WWW
            (ii) E-mail
            (iii) FTP
            (iv) Web Browser


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