Time: 3 hours
Full marks: 100
Candidates are required to give their answers in their
own words as far as practicable.
The questions are of equal value.
Answer any five questions, in which
Question no 1 is compulsory.
(1). Choose the correct answer of the following:
(a). C++ language was invented by:
(i). Ken Thompson
(ii). Dennis Ritchie
(iii). Bjarne Stroustrup
(iv). None
(b). The packing of data and functions into a single components is known as:
(i). Encapsulation
(ii). Polymorphism
(iii). Abstraction
(iv). None
(c). In nested loop:
(i). The inner most loop is completed first
(ii). The outermost loop is completed first
(iii). Both (i) and (ii)
(iv). None
(d). Constructor and destructors are automatically invoked by:
(i). Compiler
(ii). Operating system
(iii). main( ) function
(iv). object
(e). The size of void pointers is:
(i). 2 bytes
(ii). 0 bytes
(iii). 4 bytes
(iv). None
(f). Which one of the following operator cannot be overload:
(i). Dot operator [.]
(ii). Plus operator [+]
(iii). Ampersand operator [^]
(iv). -- operator
(g). Java compiler translates source code into :
(i). Byte code
(ii). Bit code
(iii). Machine code
(iv). User code
(h). Java provides extensive set of classes, arranged in:
(i). Package
(ii). Library file
(iii). Template class
(iv). None
(I). Java does not support:
(i). Operator overloading
(ii). Global variable
(iii). Multiple inheritance
(iv). All
(j). Which of the following is the correct declaration statement in Java program ?
(i). int num = new int [5]
(ii). int num= new num [5]
(iii). int [ ] num = new int [5]
(iv). None
(2). What do you mean by object oriented programming language? Discuss the various features of OOPS. How java is different from C++ . Explain.
(3). What is function overloading ? what are the rules for defining overloaded function? What precautions should we taken while overloading function?
(4). What are pointers? What are the features and uses of pointers? In which situation does the pointer become harmful.
(5). What do you mean by inheritance ? Describe the various types of inheritance with example.
(6). What is thread ? How many ways a thread can be created ? Illustrate the pross and cons of different ways of creating a thread.
(7). What is package? How do you create a package ? How does a package declaration affect a class definition ?
(8). What are interfaces? How are interfaces created and implemented in java ? How is an interface different from class.
(9). Explain the concept of class, objects and methods in java. Also write a program to explain the concept of overloading methods with reference to class.
(10). Write short notes on any three of the following:
(a). Constructor and destructor
(b). Stream class
(c). Java virtual machine
(d). Wrapper class
(e). Artificial intelligence
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