                                                                        Time: 3 hours
                                                                       Full marks: 75
                                                     Candidates are required to give their answers
                                                        in their owns words as far as practicable.
                                                          The questions are of equal value.
                                                            Answer any five questions.
                                                           Questions no.1 is compulsory.

1. (A) State True as False:
    (i) System software are the software which are developed by the user in order to perform some specific function for the organization.

    (ii) The I/O management function of the supervisor concerns with the allocating of storage to a program when its processing has been started .
    (iii) A real time system is said to be one which respond back fastly so that it able to make an impact on environment in which it is working.

    (iv) The CD command is used to cancel a directory.

    (v) Command com is a command interpreter.

    (B) Choose the correct answers:
           (i) Which of the following is not a part of the operating system:
                (1) Supervior
                (2) Performance monitor
                (3) Job- Control program
                (4) Input/ Output control program

          (ii) Under virtual storage :
                (1) A single program is processed by two or more CPUs
                (2) Two or more programs are stored concurrently in primary storage
                (3) Only the active pages of a program are stored in primary storage.
                (4) Interprogram interference  may occur

        (iii) A running state of a program is called
               (1) Program
               (2) Data
               (3) Information
               (4) A process

       (iv) LIST command is used to :
              (1) Display the record
              (2) Create the record
              (3) Delete the record
              (4) None

      (v) DISPLAY  command is used to:
            (1) Display the first record
            (2) Display the last record
            (3) Display the current record
            (4) None

     (2). Distinguish between multiprocessing and multiprogramming.

     (3). What are essential functions of operating system?

     (4). What is context switch ? Why is it considered to be an overhead?

     (5). Explain the following DOS command:
            (i) CALL
            (ii) DIR
            (iii) PRINT
            (iv) DISKCOPY
            (v) XCOPY

    (6). Explain the concept of filter in the UNIX OS. why is shell an important part  of OS ?

    (7). What are the advantages of FOXPRO ? Discuss and illustrate with an example how to create a report and Label using necessary commands.

    (8). Write the procedure to create and execute command file in FOXPRO. Write some commands those can not be used as directly at command box.

    (9). Write difference between:
           (i) SEEK and FIND
           (ii) SORT and INDEX
           (iii) Delete and ZAP

    (10) Write short notes on any three of the following:
            (i) Debugging Techniques
            (ii) System Life cycle
            (iii) Device management
            (iv) Real time OS
            (v) Memory management 


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