MBA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2015-2017) Human Resource Management
MBA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2015-2017) Human Resource Management
Full Marks: 80
Time: 4 hours
Candidates are required to give their answers in
their own words as far as practicable.
The questions are of equal value.
Answer any five questions.
(1). Define Human Resource management. Explain its nature and importance. Differentiate between Human Resource management and Personnel Management.
(2). What is manpower planning? Why is it necessary? Discuss the various steps involved in it.
(3). Discuss critically the various sources of recruitment. Distinguish between Recruitment and selection.
(4). What are the objectives of employee training? Explain various methods of training employees.
(5). What do you understand and by job analysis ? Discuss its main uses. Describe the techniques used for analysing jobs.
(6). Explain the concept, objectives and process of Job Evaluation.
(7). Discuss the scope of Unfair Labour Practices under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. Also state the penality provisions with regard to Unfair Labour Practices.
(8). Define the term ' Wages' given in the payment of Wages Act. What does it include and exclude? State the legal provisions regarding the time of payment of wages.
(9). How is the compensation amount calculated for various disablements under the Workmen's Compensation Act? Also state the provisions regarding distribution of compensation.
(10). Explain, in brief, the main provisions of the Employees state Insurance Act, 1948.
(11). Explain, in brief, the main provisions of the Trade Union Act, 1926.
(12). Write short notes on any two of the following:
(a). Promotions and Demotions
(b). Applications of Job Rating
(c). Scope and Importance of Labour legislations
(d). The factory Act, 1948
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