                                                                       Full Marks: 75
                                                                        Time: 3 hours
                                                        The questions are of equal value
                                                Answer five questions including Question 1
                                                          Which is Compulsory

1. Choose the correct Answers:
     (a) The OS that allows only one Program to run at a time is
          (i) Batch Processing
          (ii) real time
          (iii) Multasking
          (iv) None of these

  (b) The directory structure used in windows is
        (i) hierarchical
        (ii) Flat
        (iii) both (i) and (ii)
        (iv) None of these

 (c) An imaginary memory supported by the OS in conjunction with the secondary memory is
      (i) Cache memory
      (ii) Primary memory
      (iii) Virtual memory
      (iv) None of these

  (d) Which one is not an OS ?
        (i) Windows
        (ii) Oracle
        (iii) Linux
        (iv) CP/M

 (e) To remove a directory the command is
       (i) RD
       (ii) CD
       (iii) BD
       (iv) DEL

 (f)   ........................ is an interface between user and computer
       (i) Compiler
       (ii) Device driver
       (iii) OS
       (iv) None of these

  (g) Maximum size of character field in Foxpro is
        (i) 254
        (ii) 256
        (iii) 128
        (iv) 32

  (h) The command used to add new record in the current database file is
        (i) add
        (ii) append
        (iii) create
        (iv) None of these

  (i)  To remove all records from the current database file the most appropriate command is
        (i) pack
        (ii) delete all
        (iii) ZAP
        (iv) delete file

 (j) The symbol used to mark a record for deletion is
      (i) #
      (ii) *
      (iii) $
      (iv) None of these

2. What do you mean by OS ? Discuss the different types of OS. Also explain the functions of an OS.

3. Discuss process management . Also discuss the life cycle of a process.

4. Discuss memory management in detail. Also discuss paging.

5. Explain the following DOS commands:
   (i) Format
   (ii) Edit
   (iii) Del tree
   (iv) Copy
   (v) Undelete

 6. What is Unix OS ? What are the advantages of using Unix OS over other OS ?

 7. Discuss the features of Foxpro. What are the data types available in Foxpro? Discuss and illustrate with example how to create and sort employees database using necessary commands.

 8. (a) Write a program in Foxpro to print the sum of odd nos. till n.
     (b) Write a program in Foxpro to calculate compound interest.
 9. Explain the following Foxpro commands:
    (a) Pack
    (b) Browse
    (c) Modify
    (d) Copy
    (e) ZAP

 10. Write notes on any three of the following:
        (a) Scheduling
        (b) File management
        (c) BIOS
        (d) Task loader
        (e) Multiuser OS


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