MBA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2014-2016) Marketing Management

MBA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2014-2016) Marketing Management
MBA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2014-2016) Marketing Management

                                                                          Full marks: 80
                                                                          Time: 4 hours

                                                  candidates are required to give their answers in
                                                     their own words as far as practicable.
                                                        The questions are of equal value.
                                                         Answer any five Questions.

(1). What is modern Marketing concept? Explain the importance of modern marketing conception India.

(2). What is Marketing Mix? Describe the factors affecting marketing mix.

(3). What is consumer Behaviour? Describe in brief the different factors affecting consumer behaviour.

(4). Explain the meaning of product-mix. What feature influence changes in product mix?

(5). Explain the process of developing a new product. What are the reasons that contribute the failure of a new product?

(6). Explain the major factors that you would take into consideration while pricing a product. How can break even analyses helping price-fixation?

(7). Discuss the factors that you would like to consider for selecting channels of distribution for a consumer product which is sold all over india.

(8). What is sales Promotion? Explain the importance of sales promotion in marketing.

(9). Define Personal selling. Explain in detail its merits and demerits.

(10). Explain various types of advertisement. Quote any one of the popular advertisement.

(11). What is Advertising Budget? Discuss various methods of determining advertising budget.

(12). Write short - notes on any two of the following:
         (a). Product life cycle
         (b). Legal issues in marketing
         (c). Stategic marketing
         (d). Globalization.


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