                                                                    Time: 3 hours
                                                                   Full marks: 100
                                           Candidates are required to give their answers in their
                                               own words as far as practicable.
                                                 The questions are of equal value.
                                             Answer any five questions , in which
                                                   Question no- 1 is compulsory.

(1). Choose the correct answer of the following:
       (a). Visual Basic is a tool that allows you to develop application in:
               (i). Real time
               (ii). Graphical user interface
               (iii). Menu Driver
               (iv). None

      (b). Which windows displays a list of all forms and modules making up your application:
             (i). Project window
             (ii). Properties window
             (iii). Form layout window
             (iv). None

    (c). In visual Basic, a variable name cannot be more than:
          (i). 450 character
          (ii). 255 character
          (iii). 355 character
          (iv). 356 character

   (d). Which one is combines the features of the text box and list box:
          (i). Picture box
          (ii). Check box
          (iii). Combo box
          (iv). Option box

   (e). Which one displays a list of items form which user can select one or more items:
          (i). Combo box
          (ii). List box
          (iii). Check box
          (iv). Scroll box

  (f). Visual Basic maintains a project file with the extension:
         (i)  .frm
         (ii) .vbp
         (iii)  .vbs
         (iv)   .cls

  (g). Which one indicates whether a particular condition is on or off:
         (i). Combo box
         (ii). List box
         (iii). Check box
         (iv). None

  (h). MDI stands for :
        (i). Multiple Document invterpreter
        (ii). Multiple Document interface
        (iii). Multiple Document Interval
        (iv). None

  (i). Which one is an action recognised by a form or the control:
        (i). Property
        (ii). Event
        (iii). Method
        (iv). Procedure

  (j). Which one is a special tool available in VB to access database directly:
        (i). VDM
        (ii). DAO
        (iii). ADO
        (iv). None

 (2). Describe most important features of Visual Basic language. What do you mean by IDE ? Explain each of their components.

 (3). What is common dialog box? How many types of common dialog box are there in VB6.0 ?  Describe each with suitable example.

 (4). What are different types of control in VB ? Explain.  Illustrate the difference between function and procedure.

 (5). (a) What is difference between ADO and other data object?
        (b). What is ODBC? How can you create the ODBC in visual Basic?

 (6). What do you mean by array? What are different types of array in VB? How you can make dynamic array in VB ? Illustrate with example.

 (7). Describe about the various looping structure used in visual basic. Write about the difference between do- while and do-looping structure.

 (8). What is form in VB6.0 ? Discuss the following form method show, hide, load, unload, activate, deactive and graphics method. How can you add a form in your project.

 (9). Discuss the following commands with suitable example:
        (a). Create table
        (b). delete
        (c). Grant
        (d). Round
        (e). inner and outer join
 (10). Write short notes on any three of the following:
           (a). MDI and SDI applications
           (b). Dynamic Binding
           (c). scroll bar control's event
           (d). Data Manipulation (DML)  and Data control (DCL)  language
           (e). DBMS and RDMS


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