                                                                          Time: 3 hours
                                                                           Full marks: 75
                                                 Candidates are required to give their answers in
                                                       their own words as far as practicable.
                                                       All the questions are of equal marks
                                                           Q. No. 1 is compulsory.
                                                        Attempt five questions in all

 (1). Choose the correct answer
       (i). Two basic types of O/S  are
              (a). Sequential and direct
              (b). Batch and time sharing
              (c). Sequential and realtime
              (d). Batch and interative.

(ii). What is the name given to all the program inside the computer which makes it usable?
       (a). Application software
       (b). System software
       (c). Firm ware
       (d). Shareware

(iii). Which of the following devices can be used to directly input printed text?
         (a) OCR
         (b) OMR
         (d) None of these

(iv). Which of the following program is not a utility?
        (a). Debugger
        (b). Editor
        (c). Spooter
        (d). None of these

(v). Which of the following is not a part of the O/S ?
       (a). Supervisor
       (b). Performance Monitor
       (c). Job - control program
       (d). Input / Output control program

(vi). A translator is best describe as.
       (a). An application software
       (b). A system software
       (c). Hardware
       (d). All of above.

(vii). Data is coded in 4- bit units, such a unit is called
         (a). Bit
         (b). Byte
         (c). Nibble
         (d). word

(viii). Indicate weather the statement LDA  B is a statement in
         (a). Machine Language
         (b). Assembly Language
         (c). High Level language
         (d). None of these

 (ix). A file is corrected immediately after the input of a transaction is called
        (a). Sorting
        (b). Leatching
        (c). On-line processing
        (d). off-line

 (x). Which memory is non volatile and may be written only once:
         (a) ROM
         (b) PROM
         (c) EPROM
         (d) EEPROM

 (2). What is Register ? Describe the different types of register in intel 8085 Microprocessor.

 (3). What is the main difference between a proccedure oriented Language and a problem oriented Language.

 (4). What do you understand by the object Oriented Language ? Give the name of three object oriented Language.

 (5). What is Micro Processor? What is the purpose of the data bus of a microprocessor ? Define the word length of a microcomputer.

 (6). What is the algorithms and flowchart ? Describe the flow chart of sum of the N- Natural number.

 (7). Describe the virtual Memory. Explain its function in a modern computer.

 (8). Describe the given term with a Example.
       (i). Compiler
       (ii). Interpreter
       (iii). Assembler

 (9). What is MSDOS? Describe the role played by MSDOS in a personal computer. Describe the difference between autoexce. bat and config. sys files.

 (10). Write short notes on any three of the following:
         (a) CPU ( Central processing unit)
         (b) Impact and Non- impact Printer
         (c) EPROM &  EEPROM
         (d) Batch Processing
         (e) Hardware & software
         (f) Electronic Mail


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