MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2015-2018) (Semester-iii) Database Management Systems

MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2015-2018) (Semester-iii) Database Management Systems
MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2015-2018) (Semester) Database Management Systems

                                                                     Full marks: 80
                                                                     Time: 4 hours
                                                  The questions are of equal value
                                                      Answer any five questions

1. Define database. What are its characteristics? Explain the different types of database users.

2. Explain ANSI SPARC architecture of database. Define mapping and explain the mapping between the three levels of database.

3. Describe the features of Oracle as an RDBMS package.

4. Explain the notational conventions used in the E-R model. Construct and E-R model for student administration system. Students who apply for a course are registered in the system. short listed candidates are called for interview and their marks recorded. Selected candidates are admitted.

5. Explain relational model of database with appropriate examples.

6. Explain the advantages of database management system over file management system.

7. Explain about domain constraints and referential integrity with examples. Explain the third normal form and Boyce- Codd normal form with examples.

8. Scheme defined for employee management system is-
    (i) Employee: empid, name, address, department. designation, salary.
    (ii) Department: deptid, name, head.
          Create and insert data for the above schema. write SQL queries for the following:
     (a) Retrieve the details of employee who gets the maximum salary.
     (b) List names of all employees who earn more than Rs 1,00,000 in a year.
     (c) Give the name of the employee who heads the department where employee with empid 3 works.

    9. Describe data  dictionary. Write examples, How to retrieve information from Oracle Data Dictionary?

  10. Write short notes on the following:
         (a) Tuple
         (b) Primary Key and foreign key
         (c) Schema
         (d) Atomicity
         (e) Authorization and authentication in Oracle.


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