Time: 3 hours
Full Marks: 75
Candidates are required to give their answers in their
own words as far as practicable.
The questions are of equal value.
Answer any five questions.
Questions no. 1 is compulsory.
1. Explain the following terms in brief:
(a) Task bar
(b) Internet
(c) Font size
(d) Page setup
(e) Print preview
(f) Auto correct
(g) Spelling checker
(h) Option button
(i) Find and replace
(j) Header and footer
2. Explain Power point. Write the steps for preparing power point presentation.
3. What is micro? What are the different ways to create a micro and what are its benefits?
4. What is Page maker? Write some of its important features. How it is different from MS-word?
5. What is Auto CAD ? Explain its important features. What are the hardware requirements for Auto CAD?
6. Explain the following Auto CAD commands:
a) Array
b) Rectangle
c) Mirror
d) Expend
e) Offset
7. What is spreadsheet ? Explain it with reference to some window based package.
8. Explain the GUI characteristics of windows.
9. Explain the CAD. Enumerate the benefits of Auto CAD.
10. Write short notes on any two of the following:-
a) Ms-excel
b) Robo CAD
c) DTP
d) Formatting features of Ms-word.
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