MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY (2015-2018) (second semester) Object oriented programming with C++

MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY (2015-2018) (second semester) Object oriented programming with C++

MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY (2015-2018) (second semester) Object oriented programming with C++

                                                                            Full Marks: 80
                                                                            Time: 4 hours

                                               candidates are required to give their answers in
                                                  their own words as far as practicable.
                                                    The questions are of equal value.
                                                       Answer any five questions.

(1). What do you mean by Object Oriented Modelling ? Discuss various object Modeling techniques.

(2). Suppose a computer is built out of one or more CPUs, sound card and video. Model the system with representive classes and draw the class diagram.

(3).  What is Dynamic Model? Explain how it is different from Object model.

(4). What is a Class diagram? Explain how classes are identified designing of an object oriented system with the help of an example.

(5).  What is Generalization? Explain how it is different from specialization with an example.

(6). What is state Diagram? Differentiate between simple state diagram and a composite state diagram. Draw state diagram Railway Reservation system.

(7). What is Bi-directional implementation ? Explain advantages of Bi-directional Implementation with the help of an example.

(8). How do you identify concurrency? Explain the importance issues related to concurrency.

(9). What is Ternary Association ? Explain how ternary associations are mapped into tables with an example.

(10). What do you mean by Data Flow diagram? Prepare a DFD of Restaurant Management system.


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