MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2011-2014) Information systems: Analysis, Design and Implementation

MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2011-2014) Information systems: Analysis, Design and Implementation

MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2011-2014) Information systems: Analysis, Design and Implementation

                                                        Time: 4 hours
                                                        Full marks: 80
                                          The questions are of equal value
                                           Answer any five questions

(1). Discuss the classifications of white box testing.

(2). What are the primitive symbols used by data flow diagram? Design a DEO for root mean square calculator.

(3). Discuss the various project size estimation techniques in detail.

(4). Difference between functional oriented and Object oriented approach of software engineering.

(5). Write the importance of use case diagram and class diagram in object modelling.

(6). Write the help of suitable example,explain how the inheritance features of the object oriented paradigm helps in code reuse and design reuse.

(7). List five salient requirements for awarding ISO 9001 certification to a software development organization. Enumerate some of the short - comings of ISO certification.

(8). List five desirable characteristics of a good user interface.

(9). Differentiate between the following:
      (a). Software requirement analysis and software requirement specifications.
      (b). Program and software
      (c). SDLC and Software models
      (d). Functional modelling and Dynamic modelling

(10). Write short notes on the following:
         (a) Feasibility study
         (b) Risk analysis
         (c) Software documentation
         (d) PERT


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