MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2010-2013) (second semester) Object Oriented Programming with C++

MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2010-2013) (second semester) Object Oriented Programming with C++
MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2010-2013) (second semester) Object Oriented Programming with C++

                                                                     Full Marks : 80
                                                                      Time : 4 hours
                                                              Answer any five questions

(1). (a). Give an overview of the object - oriented programming paradigm. Specify those features of OOP that make this approach useful in software development.

      (b).  Explain how constraints are implemented in object - oriented systems.

(2). What is object- oriented modelling ? Explain object model and dynamic model with example.

(3). Explain the advantage of use case diagram in object- oriented design with the help of an example.

(4). (a). How does inheritance differ from generalisation ? Explain with an example.
       (b). What is aggregation ? Explain with an example and a suitable diagram.

(5). Example the different UML behavioural diagrams.

(6). (a). What is the role of nested state diagram in dynamic modelling.
       (b). Explain the various methods of synchronization of concurrent activities in dynamic modelling.

(7). (a). Draw a state diagram for a mobile phone.
       (b). Give a concurrent suitable diagram for a classroom and exam held.

(8). Suppose a computer is built out of one or more CPUs, sound cared and video Model the system with representative classes, and draw the class diagram.

(9). What do you know about destructors ? What are the characteristics of destructors ?

(10). How is a function overloaded ? Point out the differences between overloading and overriding. Explain with example.

(11). Write short notes on the following C++ features:
        (a). " This" pointer
        (b). " New" operator
        (c). " Scope Resolution" operator

(12). Discuss the following features of C++ giving suitable examples:
        (a). Exception handling
        (b). Polymorphism
        (c). Template


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