NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION ,2011, M.A. [History], Part-II, Paper- X ( Political and Socio-Economic History of Medieval India- Mughal Period)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION ,2011, M.A. [History], Part-II, Paper- X ( Political and Socio-Economic History of Medieval India- Mughal Period)

                                                                   Full marks: 80
                                                                   Time: 3 hours
    Answer five questions in all, selecting at least two questions from each group, All  questions  carry equal marks.                                                                  

                                                                    Group- A

1. Describe the political condition of India on the eve of Babar's invasion of India.

2. Examine the main features of the administrative set up and land- revenue administration of Shershah.

3. Analyze the causes, nature and effects of the Rajput policy of Akbar.

4. Examine the outcome of different revolts that took place during the time of Jehangir.

5. Examine the causes and consequences of the  Deccan policy of Aurangazeb.

6. Write note on any Two of the following:-
    (a) The period of protectorate of Bairam Khan
    (b) Mansabadari system
    (c) Central Asian and North- East frontier policy of shahjahan 
    (d) Causes of the downfall of the Mughal empire


7. Examine the social condition during the Mughal period.

8. Write an essay on architecture during the Mughal Period.

9. Write a note on the condition of the industries during the Mughal period.

10. Write note on any two of the following:-
      (a) Central administration during the Mughal period
      (b) Women education during the Mughal period
      (c) Foreign trade during the Mughal period
      (d) Painting during the Mughal period


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