MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2005-2008) (Third semester) Environmental Management

MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2005-2008) (Third semester) Environmental Management 
MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2005-2008) (Third semester) Environmental Management

                                                                        Full marks: 80
                                                                         Time: 4 hours
                                                               Answer any five questions.

1. " It is rather paradoxical that with the growing increase in the level of economic and technological development in a country, the environment of that country goes on degrades and polluted at a sharp rate". How far do you agree with this statement? Give examples to illustrate your answer.

2. What are the different sources that contaminate or pollute our environment? Give a brief description of their nature & function.

3. Explain the nature of changes that we observe in the condition of oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and ozone due to air pollution. Suggest some of the significant techniques that are being adopted by the developing countries for air pollution monitoring.

4. Enumerate the various causes of water pollution and explain clearly the hazards created by it to the human life in the lights of your experience in India. What constructive steps would you suggest to fight with these hazards effectively?

5. " All those activities that generate a high intensity sound higher than 50-55 db level are the chief sources of noise pollution". Explain this statement, outlining the various sources of noise pollution that affect our environment adversely. What strategies would you like to suggest to combat the menace of noise pollution in a developing country like India?

6. Discuss the characteristic features and structure of any mathematical model that has been suggested for minimizing and controlling the civil consequences of effective in environmental management?

7. Giving the necessary details, draw up a suitable plan of action for keeping your computer Lab free from external pollution. What would be the limitations  of that plan?

8. " There is no dearth of legislative measures in India for environmental management , but they are rarely implemented effectively due to one reason or the other comment upon this statement. Also give the nature and purpose of any one of the following Acts.
  a) Water (prevention and control of pollution) Act, 1974
  b) Environment Protection Act, 1986
  c) National Environment Tribunal Act, 1995

9. Discuss the important provisions contained in the constitution of India for protecting, Monitoring and improving the environment of our country. what role is required to be played by the people to make them more effective?

10. Write notes on any two of the following:
      a) Components of Environment
      b) Nature and purpose of Acid Rain
      c) Effects of Pollution on climatic changes
      d) Environmental research
      e) Contributions of the Earth summit


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