MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2007-2010) (Third semester) Computer Communication Networks

MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2007-2010) (Third semester) Computer Communication Networks
MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2007-2010) (Third semester) Computer Communication Networks

                                                                        Full marks: 80
                                                                        Time: 4 hours
                                                             Answer any five questions

1.  What do you understand by Network topology ? Discuss different types of network topologies.

2.  Elaborate the three basic types of networks with suitable examples in each.

3. How does the information get passed from one OSI layer to the next?

4. What is the difference between bit rate and band rate ?  compare the FM bandwidth with  the AM  bandwidth in terms of modeling signal.

5. How does guided media differs from an unguided media ? Give the physical descriptions of three guide and unguided media with their advantages and disadvantages over each other.

6. What is multiplexing? Discuss the three major multiplexing techniques.

7. Discuss the four types of redundancy checks used in data communication. differentiate between an even and odd parity.

8. What are the advantage of FDDI over a basic Token Ring? Differentiate between a baseband and a broadband.

9. What are the three switching techniques? Explain.

10. Discuss both the situations, i.e. using and not using the packet switching technique.

11. Given an IP address of a system in decimal dotted notation, how can its class be determined ? Can a device has more than one IP address? Explain.

12. Differentiate between any two:
      (a) TCP and UDP
      (b) Routers and Repeaters
      (c) LRC and CRC
      (d) ASK and FSK


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