MCA NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2011) Part-III, Paper- XXIV (Advanced Internet Technologies)

MCA NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2011) Part-III, Paper- XXIV (Advanced Internet Technologies)

                                                                                Time: 3 hours
                                                                               Full marks: 80
                                        Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. What are the advantages of Services over other common server extension mechanisms?

2. Explain different methods of service ( ) method (of servlet) to implement the request and response.

3. Explain web security with suitable examples. Explain the different procedure of Recovery after system failure.

4. What are the main functions of HTTP servlet Response Interface? Explain the methods which are used to obtain cookies and querying form the request object.

5. Explain different types of JDBC drivers with their advantages and disadvantages . Create a custom JSP tag that accepts a name (first name and surname) and converts it as follows:-
   INPUT-  brian mcduff
   OUTPUT- brian McDuff

6. Write a MDB (message driven bean) That calculates the monthly salary of an employee based on the attendance of the employee. Assume that you have EMP_ATT database available that contains the attendance of the employee.

7. Explain the steps of handling Database in JSP. What are the various implicit objects used with JSP.

8. Discuss the advantages/ disadvantages of EJB architecture in terms of application management, security and inter operability. Explain the life cycle of a stateless session - bean and stateful session bean with diagram. Also discuss where we use which type of bean.

9. Why do we use DTD? Explain different components of DTD? Explain the advantages of XML over HTML.

10. Explain the various configuration properties of JMS based Message Driven Beans offered by EJB. What are basic characteristics of SGML?


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