MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2004-2007) (Third semester) Computer Communications Networks
MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2004-2007) (Third semester) Computer Communications Networks
2004-2007Full marks: 80
Time: 4 hours
Answer any five questions
1. a) Define Network Topology ? Describe the various network topologies with their advantages and disadvantages.
b) Define Modulation & Demodulation. Discuss the various Digital to analog conversion methods.
2. What is a Protocol ? Describe the two subgroups of Data- link protocol?
3. Describe HDLC modes of transmission ? Also describe its frame format.
4. Describe the common base band implementation of Ethernet.
5. Discuss the functions of Repeaters, rules & Bridges.
6. Write short notes on any three of the following:
a) Packet Switching
b) CSMA / CD
c) FTP
d) Multiplexing
e) NOS ( Networking operating system)
7. Discuss IEEE 802 standards.
8. Discuss the three different level of address in an internet using TCP/ IP protocols.
9. What are the Route discovery Protocols? Give example
10. Some parts of address space in class A, B and C are used for special addresses, what are they ? Discuss.
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