NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2009) M.A. { Economics} part-1. paper-1, (Micro Economic Analysis)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2009) M.A. { Economics} part-1. paper-1, (Micro Economic Analysis)

                                                              Full marks: 80
                                                              Time: 3 hours
                                     Answer any five questions, All questions carry equal marks.

1. What are the main implication of the "Growth oriented" definition of Economics? State the scope of  Economics.

2. Write an essay on nature of Economics.

3. Explain the various methods used in the study of Economics.

4. Distinguish between static and dynamics in economics.Which one do you think more general and fundamental.

5. Explain the meaning and nature of economics models and discuss micro model of price determination.

6. Explain the concept of elasticity of demand and discuss kinds of elasticity of demand.

7. Compare the Marshallian and Hicksian concept of consumer surplus.

8. Explain the law of variable proportion.

9. Discuss marginal analysis approach to price and output determination.

10. Explain the full cost pricing theory of Hall- Hitch.


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