NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2017) BCA, Part-II, Paper-X (Database Management System)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2017) BCA, Part-II, Paper-X (Database Management System)
NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2017) BCA, Part-II, Paper-X (Database Management System)

                                                                      Time: 3 hours
                                                                     Full Marks: 80
                                          Answer any five questions, All question carry equal marks.

1. An online book database maintains the details such as ISBN, title , price, and year of publishing , number of pages, author, and publisher of various textbooks, language books and novels. The user can view the details of various authors and publishers. The database also maintains the details of the ratings and feedbacks of other authors about a particular book. The ratings of the book are displayed along with other details of the book. Design an ERD  for the online Book Database. Assume suitable attributes for the entities and mark the key attributes in the ERD.

2. What are distributed database? Describe the structure of distributed Database. Describe the issues related to storing a relation in the distributed Database.

3. Write short notes of the following:
    (i) Functional Dependency (FD)
    (ii) Multivalued Dependency (MVD)
    (iii) Remote procedure call (RPC)
    (iv) Object Oriented System (OOS)

4. What is a knowledge Base system? Describe the four types of Knowledge Representation Schemes.

5. What are the five main differences between a file processing system and a DBMS? Discuss different types of file organization and give examples for each type.

6. Consider the two sets of FDs for the relation R(A,B,C,D,E).
    (i) A-->B,   AB-->C,  D--> AC, DE
    (ii) A--> BC,   D-->AE
   Discuss how the table can be normalized. What are the keys in the table?

7. Design Semantic Net Representation for the following facts: " Elephants are mammals. They are large in size and have a long trunk. Their ears are large. Elephants like bananas. Appu is an elephant but Appu likes apples."

8. Explain any three aggregate functions of SQL with an example for each. What is ISAM? How is overflow of records handled in ISAM?

9. Describe Client -server architecture and its advantages. What are keys? Differentiate between Candidate, Primary and Foreign keys with the help of suitable examples.

10. Define 3NF and BCNF with examples. Consider the following relational schema:
      Courses (Cno, Cname)
      Students (Rollno, Sname, Age, year)
      Registered_ for (Cno,Rollno)
      Write the SQL Queries for
      (i) Find the age and year  of the youngest student in each year.
      (ii) Display the list of students course-wise.
      (iii) Display the list of students not registered for nay course.


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