MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2003-2006) (second semester) Operating system

MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2003-2006) (second semester) Operating system
MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2003-2006) (second semester) Operating system

                                                                       Full marks: 80
                                                                        Time: 4 hours
                                                             Answer any five questions.

1. a) Operating system are primarily _____________
   b)  ____________ is used to speed the accessing of primary storage.
   c)  A _________ is an area of primary storage for holding data during input/ output transfers.
   d) Technique for allowing a unit to check the status of another independently functioning unit is_________ .
   e) ___________ systems allow programs to reference address that need not correspond to the limit set of real address available in primary storage.
   f)  __________ is used to exploit certain types of parallelism in instruction processing.
   g) A supervisory program handling the complexities of input/ output and the various routines for co-ordinating the operation of channels and processors is called ____________.
   h) In ___________ a high speed device like a disk is interposed between a running program and a low speed device involved with program in input/output.
   i) A program in execution is called __________
   j) The _______ is a data structure containing certain important information about the field.

2. Write short notes on the following mechanisms that support interprocess communications and synchronization:
    a) Critical Regions
    b) Conditional critical Regions
    c) Monitors
    d) Message Passing

3. a) Discuss the similarities and differences between paging and segmentation.
    b) Describe the file structure in UNIX  operating system.

4. a) Write a shell program to find the odd and even numbers in a given list of numbers.
    b) Explain the following with reference to UNIX/ OS:
        i. CPU scheduling
       ii. Memory Management

5. a) Explain why it is important to monitor and evaluate the performance of a system's software as well as its hardware.
   b) What is system tuning?  Why is it important ?

6. a) Imagine that a distributed file uses client catching with a delayed write back policy? One machine opens modifies and closes a file. About half a minute later another machine needs the file from the server. Which versions does it get?
   b) When file systems replicates file, they do not normally replicate all files. Give an example of a kind of file that is not worth replicating.

7. a) Describe threads and their usage.
    b) Consider  a system in which  threads are implemented entirely in user space, with runtime system getting a clock interrupt occurs while some thread is executing in the runtime system. What problem might occur? suggest a way to solve it ?

8. Write short notes on:
    a) RAM Disks
    b)  Device Drivers
    c)  Deadlock

9. a) Discuss various file operations and directory operations.
    b) What are the problems associated by file sharing?

10. a) Explain why storage management in pure segmentation system is quite similar to storage management in variable partition multiprogramming system?
     b) Give reason why demand paging is the conventional wisdom in page fetch strategies?


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