MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2004-2007) (Third semester) Environmental Management
MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2004-2007) (Third semester) Environmental Management
2004-2007Full Marks: 80
Time: 4 hours
Answer any five questions.
1. Describe the methods of monitoring and control of air pollution.
2. Give an account of effect of pollutants on climatic changes.
3. What is Photochemical smog? How are they formed?
4. " Various ecological factors affect the life of an organism in a holistic manner" . Discuss.
5. " Ozone pollution is likely to become a major global problem during the coming decades." How far do you agree with this statement?
6. Describe the toxicological relations of atomic power plant.
7. Describe the effect of humidity, dust and noise interference on the Performance of computer system.
8. Define mathematical models. Give an account of different parameters used account of different parameters used in systems ecology.
9. List the five emerging environment issues of out country and identify the one which has made us anxious and why?
10. Write notes on any two of the following:
a) Cybernetics
b) Acid rain
c) Toxicants
d) Air quality
e) Earth summit
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