MCA NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2011),(Application Development With net Framework) Part-III, Paper-XXIX

 MCA NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2011),(Application Development With net Framework) Part-III, Paper-XXIX
 MCA NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2011),(Application Development With net Framework) Part-III, Paper-XXIX

                                                                              Time: 3 hours
                                                                             Full marks: 80
                                          Answer any five questions.All questions carry equal marks.

1. What is .net Framework. How you build components in the .NET Framework. Explain giving suitable examples.

2. Explain various features of ASP .net 2.0. with suitable examples.

3. What is ADO. net. Explain various statements used in ADO. net.

4. Design a Form and code in to store details of student in a database table.

5. Explain following terms:
   (a) Data binding controls
   (b) Personalization
   (c) Web services
   (d) Garbage Collection

6. Explain different types of server controls with suitable examples.

7. (a) Give any 5 string- handling functions.
    (b) Explain ' Structured Exception Handling' with examples.

8. (a) What is the differences between ' sub Procedures' and ' Functions.
    (b) What is user control. Explain process of creating user control.

9. (a) Explain the life cycle of an ASP .net page.
    (b) What is cookies? How does the cookies work in ASP .net.

10. Design a form in to search Details of Given customer from database.


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