NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2011) M.A. [Economics], Part-II, Paper-X (Economics of Environment and social sector)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2011) M.A. [Economics], Part-II, Paper-X (Economics of Environment and social sector) 

                                                                       Full Marks: 80
                                                                       Time: 3 hours
                                      Answer any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Explain Pareto's optimum theory and throw light on its practicability under competitive equilibrium.

2. Explain global environment and externalities and describe the effects and future prospects of international institutions in this regard.

3. Throw light on the use, objectives and limitations of natural resources.

4. Explain wildlife security Act. 1972 and Forest Protection Act. 1980 and point out the difficulties in their execution.

5.  What is Human Capital? What is its importance? Describe in detail.

6. Discuss the effects of education on economic development of a country.

7. What is the importance of human resource development approach in educational Planning? Explain the contribution of this approach to national development.

8. Discuss the need and objectives of financial management in education.

9. Explain financing of health care and resource constraints.

10. Write short notes on any two of the following:-
       (i) Benefits of Education
       (ii) Environment Pollution
       (iii)  Concept of Value of Human life


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