NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION , 2011, M.A. [History], Part-II, Paper- IX ( Political and socio-Economic History of Medieval India)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION , 2011, M.A. [History], Part-II, Paper- IX ( Political and socio-Economic History of Medieval India)

                                                                         Full marks: 80
                                                                         Time: 3 hours
                                 Answer five questions in all, selecting at least two questions from
                                             each group, All questions carry equal marks.

1. Throw light on career and achievements of Qutub-ud-din Aibak.

2. Examine Alauddin Khilgi's Policies of military reforms and market control.

3. Write a note on revolts that took place during the regime of Muhammad - bin- Tughlaq.

4. Describe Mongol invasions of India during the Sultanate period.

5. Examine the causes of the fall of the Delhi Sultanate.

6. Write note on any Two of the following:-
    (a) Raziya Begum
    (b) Balban's Theory of kingship
    (c) Administration of Bahamani Kingdom
    (d) Causes of war between Bahamani and vijay- nagar kingdoms


7. Examine the administrative setup during the Sultanate period.

8. Write an essay on development of Science and technology during the sultanate period.

9. Examine the origin, main teachings and effects of Sufism on India society.

 10. Write note on any Two of the followings:-
        (a) Condition of Hindu Society during the Sultanate period
        (b) Development of hindi literature during the sultanate period
        (c) Integration of Hindu and Islamic architecture during the Sultanate period
        (d) Foreign trade during the sultanate period


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