MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2007-2010) (Third semester) Database Management systems

MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2007-2010) (Third semester) Database Management systems
MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2007-2010) (Third semester) Database Management systems

                                                                   Full marks: 80
                                                                    Time: 4 hours
                                                            Answer any five question

1. (a) What is the difference between traditional file system and DBMS?
    (b) Explain the three level architecture of DBMS.

2. What is E-R diagram? Draw the E-R diagram of Library Management system.

3. (a) What is a view? How it is related to data independence?
    (b) What is a lock ? How it is used to control concurrency?

4. (a) What is Relational Data Model and what is its use?
    (b) What is DDL and DML? What examples and output of each of them.

5. what is the need of Normalization? Define INF  with example and compare it with unnormalized table.

6. (a)  What are the characteristics of BCNF.  How does it differ from BNF?
    (b) What do you understand by MVD? Explain its role and applications.

7. Distinguish between hierarchical , network and relational DBMS. Also give example of each of them.

8. What are the concept behind relational algebra and relational calculus?  How are they different?

9. (a) What functions are performed by "COMMIT", " ROLLBACK" and " SAVE POINT" operations?
    (b) Discuss the various object oriented system of database.

10. Discuss the concepts of union, intersection. Difference and product in the concept of relational algebra.

11. Discuss how NULLS are treated in comparison operators in SQL. How are NULLS  treated when aggregate functions are application in SQL Query. Explain and example.

12. Write short notes on any four of the following:
      (a) Time stamping Protocols
      (b) Database Recovery
      (c) HDAM & HIDAM
      (d) IMS
      (f) Integrity Constraints


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