MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2009-2012) (Fifth Semester) Artificial Intelligence and Application

MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2009-2012) (Fifth Semester) Artificial Intelligence and Application 
MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2009-2012) Artificial Intelligence and Application

                                                                       Full Marks: 80
                                                                        Time: 4 hours
                                                           The questions are of equal value.
                                                                Answer any five questions.

1. Define artificial intelligence. Explain the importance of AI and also explain the related fields of AI.

2. Describe the role of AI in natural language processing. How is the AI different than general intelligence?

3. What do you mean by knowledge ? Describe the difference among knowledge, brief hypotheses and data.

4. Briefly describe the meaning of knowledge representation and knowledge acquisition.

5. What is LISP ?  Write an LISP program to convert centigrade temperature to Fahrenheit.

6. What is First order predicate logic (FOPL)? Write the properties and syntax of FOPL.

7. Define probabilistic reasoning. Explain the Bayesian Probabilistic inference.

8. Give the advantages of expert system architecture over production rules. what are the main disadvantages?

9. Illustrate decision trees learning technique using a suitable example.

10. Given the following wffs:
      P → Q, ~Q, and ~P
      Show that ~ P is a logical consequence of the two preceding wffs using a truth table.

11. Write short notes on any four of the following:
      (a) Reinforcement learning
      (b) Matching technique
      (c) Bayesian network
      (d) Object-oriented representation
      (e) Uncertain reasoning
      (f)  Pattern classification 


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