MBA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2013-2015) (Secondary Specialization) Financial & Project Planning & Control

MBA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2013-2015) (Secondary Specialization) Financial & Project Planning & Control
MBA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2013-2015) (Secondary Specialization) Financial & Project Planning & Control

                                                                          Time: 4 hours
                                                                          Full Marks: 80
                                                            The questions are of equal value
                                                                  Answer any five questions.

1. What do you mean by generation and screening of Project ideas? How does it help in project preparation?

2. What do you mean by capital expenditure? Explain those difficulties which arise during the process of capital expenditure?

3. Define Market Demand and describe those factors which affect demand of the market?

4. What is financial analysis? Explain the main techniques of financial analysis.

5. How is risk projected and analysis ? Describe with example in case of any project.

6. In selection an analysis of a project where a social cost benefit analysis is required and why?

7. What are the various methods of project evaluation? Explain net present value method with example.

8. Which method of project financing is best & why? Describe the appropriate capital structure model in support to your argument.

9. Explain the various models of dividend distribution with example.

10. What is working capital management? Explain its role for any institutions?

11. How cash management is different with working capital management? Describe the role of cash flow for financial planing & control.

12. Write short notes on any two of the following:
     a) Leverage and its types.
     b) Situation analysis
     c) Discount cash flow method
     d) M M approach


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