MBA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION, (2014-2016) (Marketing Specialization) ADVERTISING

MBA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION, (2014-2016) (Marketing specialization) ADVERTISING 

MBA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION, (2014-2016) (Marketing Specialization) ADVERTISING

                                                                         Time: 4 hours
                                                                        Full marks: 80
                                                         The questions are of equal value.
                                                               Answer any five questions   

1. Discuss the concept of Advertising . what are the impact of advertising on social and economic life? explain.

2. Explain the nature and scope of advertising in Indian context.

3. In what ways does advertising contribute to effective marketing? Give the common methods of measuring effectiveness.

4. " Money spend an advertising is wasteful" . Do you agree with this statement? give reasons for your answer.

5. What factors should be taken into account while selection a suitable media of advertising? Explain in brief the mean available medias at advertising.

6. What are the objectives of Advertising? Distinguish between advertising and sales promotion.

7. What is the concept of advertising campaign? Discuss its objectives.

8. Bring out in detail a clear picture of the contribution of advertising agencies towards the Indian market organisational set-up.

9. Discuss the value of advertising ethics in Indian context.

10. what is Mass Media? Discuss its role for a nation like India.


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