MBA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION, (2016-2018) Financial minor specialization (Secondary paper) FINANCIAL AND PROJECT PLANNING AND CONTROL

MBA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION, (2016-2018) Financial minor specialization (Secondary paper) FINANCIAL AND PROJECT PLANNING AND CONTROL
MBA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION, (2016-2018) Financial minor specialization (Secondary paper) FINANCIAL AND PROJECT PLANNING AND CONTROL

                                                                        Time: 4 hours
                                                                       Full Marks: 80
                                                          The questions are of equal value.
                                                               Answer any five questions.

1. What do you mean by decision marking? Discuss its different levels.

2. Discuss the preparation of Detailed Project (DPR) analysis of risk.

3. What do you mean by Project Management ? Discuss its importance.

4. What are the different sources of Finance? Discuss briefly.

5. What do you mean by working capital? What are the factors affecting working capital?

6. What do you mean by capital Budgeting? Discuss its features.

7. What do you mean by Capital Expenditure? Discuss its basic characteristics.

8. What are the different methods of project evaluation?

9. What are the different phases of project preparation?

10. Write short notes on any two of the following:
      (a) Project Scheduling
      (b) International Project Management
      (c) Types of project risk
      (d) Social Cost Benefit Analysis (SCBA)


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