MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2010-2013) (Fifth Semester) Artificial Intelligence and Application

MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2010-2013) (Fifth Semester) Artificial Intelligence and Application 
MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2010-2013) Artificial Intelligence and Application

                                                                       Time: 4 hours
                                                                       Full Marks: 80
                                                        The questions are of equal value.
                                                            Answer any five questions.

1. Define artificial intelligence. Explain the importance of AI and also explain the related fields of AI.

2. Explain how the alpha-beta algorithm is a better way to search game trees. These two algorithms depend on certain assumptions about how the game is played? What are they?

3. What important knowledge products are currently being marketed like other commodities? What are some new knowledge products likely to be sold within the next ten years?

4. Write a LISP program to convert centigrade temperatures to Fahrenheit.

5. Explain the concept of learning using decision tree and neural network approach.

6. Explain reasoning patters in propositional logic with example.

7. Explain AO* algorithm with an example.

8. Why is it important than an expert system be able to explain the why and how question related to a problem solving session?

9. What is the difference between selective, constructive expendient induction? Give examples of each.

10. Explain the use of planning graphs in providing better heuristic estimates with suitable example.

11. Derive a parse tree for the sentence" Bill loves the frog" where the following rewrite rule are used.
DET→ the
V→ loves
N→ bill/frog


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