NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, M.C.A , Part-III, Paper-XXI (Operating Systems)
NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, M.C.A , Part-III, Paper-XXI (Operating Systems)
2016Full marks: 80
Time: 3 hours
Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Define Operating systems? What are its functions ? Explain different types of operating systems with examples.
2. Explain the Non-continuous (Indexing and checking) disk space management methods. Explain with an example the difference between Acyclic - graphic directory and General-graph directory.
3. Explain how memory management is done in window 2000 OS. Discuss file management in UNIX OS in comparison with WINDOWS OS file management.
4. Explain the concept of virtual memory. Discuss any two page replacement policies of virtual memory. Also explain the difference between paging and segmentation.
5. What is Context switching ? Explain the overhead incurred due to context switching on process and thread. Give an example of a deadlock situation. Also explain how deadlock can be prevented.
6. What is Concurrent Programming? Explain sleeping Barber problem with the help of an example.
7. For the given 4 process arriving at time 0 (Zero) in the order with length of CPU time in milliseconds:-
Process Process Time
P1 05
P2 08
P3 06
P4 02
Obtain average waiting time and turnaround time for RR, SJF and FCFS scheduling algorithms for the above mentioned process.
8. Write and explain Lamport's algorithms for ordering of events in a distributed environment with an example.
9. What is Distributed Operating system? List any three design goals of Distributed Operating system. How is distributed Operating system different from Network operating system?
10. Explain the following in brief:-
(i) Locks
(ii) system calls
(iii) Cache memory
(iv) I/O Buffering
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