NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2012, M.C.A , Part-I, Paper-I, (Problem Solving & programming)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2012, M.C.A , Part-I, Paper-I, (Problem Solving & programming)
NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2012, M.C.A , Part-I, Paper-I, (Problem Solving & programming)

                                                                        Full Marks: 80
                                                                        Time: 3 hours
                                       Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. What are constants and variables in C? Explain library functions in C and mention its use in programming with examples.

2. Explain the difference between a flowchart and an algorithm with an example. Draw a flowchart to generate a series of prime numbers less than 20.

3. Explain different loop constructors in C. Differentiate between while-loop and do-while -loop with example. Discuss the use of break and continue statement.

4. Write a C program and draw a flowchart to sort the elements of an array in descending order.

5. Explain different string handling functions in C with examples. Write a program to count the vowels, consonants and spaces in a given string.

6. What is a prototype function? Write a C program which call a function reverse( ) which accepts a string and displays its reverses.

7. Differentiate between UNION and STRUCTURES. Explain each concept with the help of an example.

8. What precautions must be taken care of to use macros in C ? Design a macro to find the sum of  n numbers.

9. Distinguish between " Call by reference" and "call by value". Write a C program using pointers to multiply two integers.

10. Write short notes on:-
       (a) Types of arrays
       (b) Recursion
       (c) Operators in C
       (d) I/O functions in C


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