NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, M.C.A , Part-II, Paper-XIII (Software Engineering)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, M.C.A , Part-II, Paper-XIII (Software Engineering)
NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, M.C.A , Part-II, Paper-XIII (Software Engineering)

                                                                       Time: 3 hours
                                                                      Full marks: 80
                                          Answer any five questions . All questions carry equal marks.

1. Explain various approaches for the Formal Technical Review. Also, mention the expected results from the respective approaches.

2. Explain the following with an example:-
    (i) Work Break through structure
    (ii) Flow Graph

3. Explain any two techniques of software prototype development. Compare prototype model with spiral model. Also mention the pros and cons of prototyping.

4.  With the help of a neat diagram, explain cleanroom software engineering. Define CASE tools . Explain any two categories of CASE tools.

5. What are the various metrics to be measured and analyzed for the web - application ? Explain them briefly.

6. Explain the step - by- step evolutionary view of the software Reengineering life- cycle. List all the elements of a Good Interface design.

7. Software Requirements Specification (SRS) is generated as the output of Requirement Analysis". Explain the properties and the outlines of the SRS. Also mention various features which makes the requirement analysis difficult.

8. With the help of any example, explain the concept of Mutation testing strategy. Write a suitable program segment and illustrate the Boundary-value Analysis testing strategy.

9. Draw levels- 0,1 and DFD's for a university who wants to automate the registration, scheduling of classes and attendance system of the students. The main objectives of the system are:-
    (i) Online Enquiry
    (ii) Online registration
    (iii) To view the scheduling of classes, online
    (iv) Availability of online records of teachers and students.
    (v) Practical - batch scheduling.

10. Write short notes on the following:-
      (a) Key Process  Areas (KPA) of maturity level.
      (b) Domain Engineering
      (c) Coverage Based Testing
      (d) Iterative Enhancement Model.


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