M.C.A MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2012-2015, (Third-semester) Database Management Systems

M.C.A  MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2012-2015, (Third-semester) Database Management Systems
M.C.A  MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2012-2015, (Third semester) Database Management Systems

                                                                       Time: 4 hours
                                                                       Full Marks: 80
                                                           Answer any five questions.

1. Describe the architecture of database management system with the help of diagram.

2. What do you mean by data independence? Explain the difference between physical and logical independence?

3. Give an overview of SQL  with the help of examples. What are the advantages of SQL in database programming.

4. Draw ER diagram for a college having the entire faculty: students, department and classroom assume suitable attributes of entities and relation among them.

5. Discuss two of the important types of mapping constraints with repeat to an E-R diagram.

6. What do you mean by functional dependency? Explain BCNF with suitable example.

7. What is the significance of lock based protocol? Describe with the help of suitable example.

8. Explain in detail different recovery techniques in DBMS.

9. Define the concepts of object oriented database management system and why we use this concepts. Explain with the help of suitable example.

10. Write short notes on any two of the following:-
       (i) Data modeling
       (ii) Data definition
       (iii) Ims
       (iv) Primary keys


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