NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, M.C.A (Part-II), Paper-XVIII (Database Management Systems)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, M.C.A (Part-II), Paper-XVIII (Database Management Systems)
NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, M.C.A (Part-II), Paper-XVIII (Database Management Systems)

                                                                     Time: 3 hours
                                                                     Full Marks: 80
                                       Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. List the data models, used to structure the data in Database systems.

2. Compare the following:-
    (i)  File-based system and DBMS
    (ii) Logical and Physical levels of DBMS
    (iii) GROUP BY clause and HAVING clause in SQL.

3. Discuss the different process of authorisation permitted on database items with the help of examples? Define super key, Alternate Key and primary key.

4. Define foreign key. Explain its significance. Using operators of relational algebra / SQL , Perform Queries for the relations given below:-
    Supplier (S#, S_ name, status , city)
    Parts (P #, P_ name, color, weight)
    Supply (S#, P#, Quantity)
    (i) Find the part code (P#) of the parts which are supplied by a supplier.
    (ii) Find the part name of all the parts that are supplied by suppliers who are in "Mumbai".

5. Compare sequential file organization with Heap files organization. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of sequential file organization. What are the differences between BST-Tree and B tree indexes.

6. What is transaction in DBMS? Explain the ACID properties of transactions in Database system with an example.

7. Explain Normalization. What are the rules of normalization? Justify " Any relation which is in BCNF is in 3NF but converse is not true".

8. In SQL, What is the need of view mechanism? How views differs from tables? Give an example and the syntax required to create a view.

9. Explain Generalization and specialization in an E-R diagram with the help of an example? How would you map the following ER constructs into relations? Give suitable example.
    (i) Weak Entity
    (ii) Generalization
    (iii) Ternary Relationship

10. Explain the following term with proper examples:-
     (i) Equi Join
     (ii) Data Replication
     (iii) Entity Integrity Constraints.


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