NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, M.C.A , Part-I, Paper-IV , (System Analysis and Design)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, M.C.A , Part-I, Paper-IV , (System Analysis and Design)
NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, M.C.A , Part-I, Paper-IV , (System Analysis and Design)
                                                                           Time: 3 hours
                                                                           Full Marks: 80
                                        Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. What is and Information System ? Explain classification of systems in brief. Also Explain the need of SDLC for proper development of a system.

2. What is SRS ? Briefly explain any four characteristics of SRS. Develop an SRS for Library Management System. Make appropriate assumptions.

3. What is coupling ? Explain advantages and disadvantages of a highly couples system. Explain basic guidelines for user interface design.

4. What is the need of documentation in System Development? Explain, in brief, any two categories of documentation.

5. What is CASE tool ? Categories various types of CASE tools. What are the various security issues in a computer system? Explain how an organization may prevent security concerns from data stored in its centralized and distributed databases.

6. What are forms? Also explain the process of Form design. Why is a proper database design essential for a successful information system?

7. Explain rules for designing tables, fields and constraints. What is a flow chart ? Draw a flow chart to find the average marks of 10 students in a batch.

8. What are the advantages of modular system design? Draw a structure chart for Banking Management System.

9. What is the need of system maintenance? Explain different types of maintenance with examples.

10. Write short notes on any Four of the following :-
       (a) Expert System
       (b) Prototyping Model
       (c) Decision Table
       (d) System Testing
       (e) Decision Tree.


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