M.C.A MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION, (2014-2017) (Third semester) Environment Management

M.C.A MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION, (2014-2017) (Third semester) Environment Management 
M.C.A MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION, (2014-2017) (Third semester) Environment Management

                                                                          Full Marks: 80
                                                                           Time: 4 hours
                                                                 Answer any five questions

1. Explain the factors which effects the environment.

2. What do you mean by pollution? Explain its various types.

3. Explain the ways by which air pollution can be controlled.

4. What are the factors that influence the computer environment management? Explain clearly.

5. Explain the central theme of Environmental management.

6. What is atmosphere? Explain importance and layers of the atmosphere.

7. Discuss about the composition , properties and use of air.

8. What is ecology? Explain the major environmental problems.

9. What is global warming? What are the effects of global warming in our environment? What are the steps to prevent global warming.

10. What is environment research? Explain its importance on our environment.

11. Discuss in brief about Environment Act 1986.

12. Write short notes on any two of the following:
       (a) Environmental Management Plan (EMP)
       (b) Photochemical smog
       (c) Global Environmental Protection
       (d) Atmosphere


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