NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, Master of Computer Application (MCA), Part-II, Paper-XVI (Data and Files Structures)
NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, Master of Computer Application (MCA), Part-II, Paper-XVI (Data and Files Structures)
2016Time: 3 hours
Full marks: 80
Answer any five questions.All questions carry equal marks.
1. Design algorithms for various operations performed on circularly linked list.
2. Explain the depth first search algorithm with example.
3. Write a procedure to find minimum cost spanning tree for a graph using Prim's algorithm.
4. Explain the process of creating a Splay Tree using an example. Explain the operations of Red-Black trees.
5. Write an algorithm for implementing insertion and deletion operations in a singly linked list using arrays.
6. Write a procedure to create insert and delete an element in queue.
7. Compare and contrast different sorting algorithms with examples of each type.
8. Write a procedure to sort the following sequence using heap sort:-
25, 57, 48, 37, 12, 92, 86, 33.
9. Write the algorithms for each of the following for binary trees:-
(i) Inorder traversal
(ii) Preorder traversal
(iii) Postorder traversal
10. Write a detailed note on sequential file organization. Discuss about the linear search in detail.
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