NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2012, M.C.A, Part-III, Paper-XXVII (Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Management)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2012, M.C.A, Part-III, Paper-XXVII (Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Management)
NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2012, M.C.A, Part-III, Paper-XXVII (Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Management)

                                                                        Time: 3 hours
                                                                        Full marks: 80
                                       Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1 . (a) Compare backward reasoning and forward reasoning in AI.
     (b)  Translate the following sentences given in English to equivalent Predicate/ Propositional Calculus expression:
     (i) Ram, who is my neighbour, is an engineer by profession.
     (ii) Everyone except John likes philips
     (iii) Every human being is mortal

2. Explain briefly the limitations of an Expert system. Name two frame based expert system shells. Write down frame- based representation of CHAIR.

3. Name two built - in predicates in LISP. What are the application areas of AI? Explain.

4. Name two major reasoning strategies in AI. Explain briefly the concept of ' heuristics' and its use in AI. How does the use of heuristics reduce the search space?  Give suitable examples to explain your answer.

5. Explain briefly the main differences between an expert system and a Conventional system. Discuss  briefly the different types of knowledge with examples. 

6. Explain briefly the knowledge representation techniques used in A.I with examples.

7. Explain each of the following in A.I. :-
    (i) Learning
    (ii) Understanding
    (iii) The Turning Test
    (iv) Uncertainty
    (v) Combinational Explosion

8. Write a LISP function that finds the factorial of a given natural number. Write a LISP functional that counts the number of atoms in a list.

9. Describe what ' Physical symbol system Hypothesis' is? Further, critically examine its validity, relevance and significance.

10. Discuss state space representation for the following well-known problems:-
      (i) Travelling Salesman Problem
      (ii) Water -Jug Problem
      (iii) Human Cannibal River- Crossing Problem.


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