NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, M.C.A, Part-III, Paper-XXV (Computer Graphics and Multimedia)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, M.C.A, Part-III, Paper-XXV (Computer Graphics and Multimedia)
NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, M.C.A, Part-III, Paper-XXV (Computer Graphics and Multimedia)

                                                                       Time: 3 hours
                                                                      Full Marks: 80
                                        Answer any five questions.All questions carry equal marks.

1. Explain how frame buffer is used to store picture information. Explain the need of Homogeneous coordinate system in 2D transformation.

2. What are touch panels? List different touch panels that are currently available for use.

3. Explain DDA line drawing algorithm. What are the disadvantages of this algorithm?

4. Differentiate the following:-
    (i) Bitmap vs Vector graphics
    (ii) JPEG vs GIF
    (iii) Hypertext vs Hypermedia

5. Derive an expression for phong specular Reflection model. Explain Isometric projection. Differentiate among Isometric, Dimetric and Trimetric projections.

6. Suggest with reasons a potential application of multimedia other than the applications in the field of entertainment and education.

7. Explain the following 3D transformation with their 3D transformation matrix:-
    (i) Scaling with respect to origin
    (ii) Rotation with respect to Z=0 plane
    (iii) xy-shearing

8. Given a triangle ABC, whose coordinates are A(1 ,1) , B(5,2) and C (4,3).
    (i) Reflect the given triangle about  x axis.
    (ii) Reflect the given triangle about y axis.
    (iii) Reflect the given triangle about y= x axis.

9. Explain Z- Buffer algorithm for hidden surface removal. What are its demerits? What are the differences between Gouraud Shading and Phong shading methods?

10. Explain the following terms:-
      (a) Card based authoring tools
      (b) Raster and Random scan
      (c) Sound editing tools
      (d) Anti-aliasing
      (e) Ambient light
      (f) Plasma panel


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