M.C.A MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2011-2014 (Third-Semester) Database Management systems

M.C.A MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2011-2014 (Third-Semester) Database Management systems
M.C.A MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2011-2014 (Third-Semester) Database Management systems

                                                                         Time: 4 hours
                                                                        Full marks: 80
                                                              Answer any five questions.

1. Describe the features of DBMS. What are the basis difference between RDBMS and DBMS?

2. Describe the three level of Schema/ architecture of DBMS in detail. Write the name of any five DBMS.

3. What do you mean by Data Independence? Explain it in detail with mapping between different levels?

4. Draw an ER diagram for university registration office where various students get admission in various courses. Several teachers are admission in various courses. Several teachers are inactive in teaching the students in various class rooms.

5. In SQL  discuss the group by and orders by clause with proper example.

6. Discuss 3NF proper explanation and also discuss the differences between 3NF and BCNF.

7. What do you mean by database transaction. Discuss.

8. What is data mining ? Discuss any one techniques of data mining.

9. What is data base recovery ? Discuss recovery techniques.

10. Write short notes of the following:-
     (a) Advantages of DBMS
     (b) Transitive dependency
     (c) Relational
     (d) TPM
     (e) Database transaction locking


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