NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, M.C.A , Part-II, Paper-XII (Object Oriented Analysis and Design)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, M.C.A , Part-II, Paper-XII (Object Oriented Analysis and Design)
NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, M.C.A , Part-II, Paper-XII (Object Oriented Analysis and Design)

                                                                       Time: 3 hours
                                                                       Full marks: 80
                                            Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. (i) Classify each of the following relationship as either a class, an instance of a class, inheritance relationship , an aggregation relationship, association relationship.
    (a) Person-student           (b) Car-Driver            (c) Class- Student
    (d) Computer- Keyboard        (e) Vehicle
   (ii) Draw a state diagram of a process ( a state program in the running state).

2. A computer science department wants to schedule meetings. There may be different kinds of meetings as school Board Meeting, faculty meeting, print committee meeting and budget planning committee meetings. There is a list of members along with their addresses and other details about different meetings, schedule of meeting needs booking  needs booking of a conference room, fixing date and time and informing members through e-mail/ telephone. Members are also paid honorarium and transport allowances for attending meeting. Do the following tasks for the above system.
 (i) Draw a class diagram         (ii) Draw an object diagram       (iii) Draw a use case diagram
 (iv) Draw a generalization and association diagrams.

3. Differentiate between the followings with examples:
    (a) Collaboration diagram and an interaction diagram.
    (b) Generalization and inheritance
    (c) Class diagram and object diagram
    (d) Conceptual scheme

4. With appropriate examples and diagrams for each, explain the following Modelling techniques.
     (a) Object Modeling                    (b) Dynamic Modeling

5. With the help of an example, explain the concurrency Identification concept for the real life objects.

6. "Object design is a very iterative process in which several classes, relationships between objects, are added when you move from one level to another level of the design". Explain all the steps in detail to be followed for the object Design.

7. Draw a DFD for the student admission/ registration process for Nalanda open University. Assumptions can be made wherever necessary. Draw the DFD's till level-2.

8. Define persistent data. How do we identify persistent data? Define serialization. Where it can be used and why?

9. With the help of an appropriate example, explain how the associations are implemented as classes. List and describe the elements of a state diagram.

10. Write short notes on the following:-
       (a) Referential and Domain Integrity:
       (b) Multiple Inheritance
       (c) Collaboration diagram
       (d) Factors to be considered for Design optimization of an object.


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