Time : 4 hours
Full marks: 80
Candidates are required to give their answers in their
own words as far as practicable.
The questions are of equal value.
Answer any five questions.
1. What is data and information? Describe the different
techniques of data processing with examples.
2. Define the features of good programming language.
Explain how a high level languages is translated into
machine languages.
3. What is purpose of binary coading system?
Briefly explain the term BCD , ASCII and EBCDIC.
4. What is an operating system? Describe the different
types of operating system with an example.
5. What is Microsoft Disk operating system? What is
its purpose? Explain any five external command with
purpose and syntax.
6. What is computer network? What are the various
types of computer networks? Discuss.
7. What is a memory? Discuss the different types of
memory with an example. Differentiate among bit, byte and word.
8. Differentiate between any two of the following:
(a) Assembly, machine and high level language.
(b) LAN, MAN and WAN
(c) Impact and non-impact printer.
9. Discuss the importance of computer in various areas of
business application.
10. Write short notes on any four of the following:
(a) Evolution of information.
(b) E-mail
(c) Remote sensing
(d) File transfer protocol
(e) Command interpreter
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