Full Marks: 80
Time : 4 hours
The Questions are of equal Value
Answer Five questions in which Questions No:1 is compulsory
1. Indicates whether the following statements are True or False . Fill in the blanks.
(i) A data structure is said to be ...................................... if its elements from a sequence.
(ii) Sorting of an any refers to processing elements of an array.
(iii) An array of pointers to string storage .............. of the string.
(iv) Pattern matching in the process to check if two strings are identical.
(v) A doubly link list will occupy same space as compared to single link list.
(vi) If a pointer P were pointing to one of the nodes in a circular linked list, then moving the pointer
to the next node would cause a memory leak.
(vii) In any role of B-tree of order n the minimum required values and children are ............ and............. respectively.
(viii) Linear search is more efficient then the solar search.
(ix) For a queue built wing an array and containing n elements, the value of front would be...............rear would be................
(x) The time complexity for linear search in ................ than binary search.
2. Write a program in C to verify whether a given 5x5 matrix is symmetric or not. (if a [i][j]=a[i][j]
for all values of i & j, then it is called symmetric matrix] . Also analyses the time complexity.
3. Write a program in C to implement the Tower of Hownal Problem for 6 element using recursion. Also draw the diagram for the above problem.
4. What do you mean by preprocessor directives? Write all the preprocessor directive use in C and their usefulness and implementations.
5. Write a programming in C to create your own copy command (DOS). Also '\a' switch can be use to append the file at the end of the first file.
6. Write the following string functions without using library function in C.
(a) strcmp
(b) strcat
(c) strlen using only pointers
7. Write a program in C to implement all the stock operation using linear linked list.
8. Compare between Binary searches True and B-true and also write structures in C for both trees.
9. Write a program in C to copy one queue to another when the queue implemented as a linked list.
10. Write a program in C to in plant "find and replacement utility", The program should ask the user to enter two words, one to be searched and the other to be replaced.
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