Time: 4 hours
Full marks: 80
Candidates are required to give their answers in
their own words as far as practicable.
Answer any Five questions.
All question carry equal marks.
(1). Identify the major Hardware Components of Computers. Also, describe the major types of primary and secondary storage.
(2). State the differences between Data and Information and describe the characteristics of high quality data . Also, explain the opportunities for strategic use (Information system).
(3). Differentiate the different types of Input and Output technologies and their uses. Also how would you justify to your employer the added cost of a multimedia system over that of a non-multimedia capable PC?
(4). What generation of languages is popular for interacting with databases? What languages does a CPU actually respond to? Also, what are the strategic advantages of using High level language?
(5). What classes of Personal applications Software are essential for the productivity of a business with which you are familiar? Also, list and explain System Software.
(6). Differentiate between the following giving suitable example:
(a) BCD and EBCDIC
(b) Octal and Hexadecimal
(c) LAN and WAN
(d) DOS and GUI.
(7).Explain the need of operating system as a resource manager and co-ordinator of Processor. Also, describe salient features of Command Interpreter.
(8). Define Computer Network. What are the common advantages of Client-server system for network Processing? Also, explain the term Single User and Multi-user System.
(9). How can the concept of Computers and Communications be used for solving the scientific and Business Problems of the real world?
(10). Write short notes on any four of the following:
a) Multilingual Applications
b) E-mail and file transfer
c) Mosaic and Gopher
d) Number system
e) Data Processing system
f) Remote Sensing
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